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Columbine - Doug Nox |
De profúndis clamávi ad te,
Dómine: Dómine, exáudi vocem meam.
Sometimes I get lost, my thoughts
turning in Escher stairwells and the endless reflections of mirrors facing
mirrors. Sometimes I get lost. It’s alright, I think sometimes to have nowhere
in particular to go, somewhere in the deep down of human memory is a time of
endless wandering. It bubbles up, that
need to see something I have never seen before, a flower, a beast, to hear a
new music or puzzle out a new language.
I can’t get lost in Toronto anymore, I can sleep walk here and still
catch every train just as it’s pulling into the station. It is a trap most cunning, the ennui of
familiarity, escape from which requires feats of daring; one can never know the
effusive joy of coming home if you never leave to begin with. You have settled for half a life. You have let the clothes make the man.
Fiant aures tuae intendéntes: in
vocem deprecationis meae.
Columbine wears no mask. She is the secret you keep, that you are
always pretending. Pretending to be
human, pretending to care, hiding your prejudice, your fear, the amoral fire of
your desire. That piece of ass, that bit
of acknowledgement that you can humbly disregard.
Si iniquitátes observaveris,
Dómine: Dómine, quis sustinébit.
For a long time I got lost in the
endless shanty. That place in my mind
that went on forever. That crowd of
gods. That denial of permanence, no mind palaces or
astral temples over which I might stand as some lord or master, just shanties
and lean-to’s, dusted red rust on corrugated aluminium and shit floating in the
river. I found there a girl in pristine
white, dress and skin and hair luminous but eyes like crimson. Like a cartoon vampire or a drunk deep into
his cups. She vibrated with a desire so
dark and absolute that the gods of that place cowered before her. As though getting too close to that absolute
hunger would lock them into her gravity and they would be eaten whole by her,
like a black hole consuming time and space.
Forever, by definition, cannot have a center and yet there she was, the
center of forever, eating it whole. The
gods hide like remorseful children from the penitent soul.
Quia apud te propitiátio est: et propter
legem tuam sustinui te, Dómine.
The Anima Sola became an icon for
a number of obscure figures. Clarissa, the
adolescent god of the Obeah clothed in the gossamer web of the Spider. Klemezin Klemay, the child bride of Agwe and
sister-wife of Freda and La Siren. The
icon is originally Catholic in origin, the penitential soul of a woman
surrounded by the flames of Purgatory, seemingly in an ecstasy. The icon was often utilized in workings of sexual
compulsion or seduction, still is to this day.
Sustinuit ánima mea in verbo
ejus: sperávit ánima mea in Dómino.
Not long after that vision Elliot
Rodger killed nine people in Santa Barbara.
He was quite clear in his memoir that this monstrous action was rooted
in a pervasive and relentless hatred of women that had grown out of their
refusal to validate his culturally reinforced sense of entitlement. The inevitable and depressing debate broke
out between feminists and frankly just about everyone else over whether or not
this event was symptomatic of a greater widespread form of institutional
misogyny. I thought a lot about that red
eyed devil at the center of forever, the fires of the burlesque enshrining her,
the god-men hiding their shame from her.
I thought a lot about Columbine’s secret, about my secrets.
A custodia matutina usque ad
noctem: speret Israel in Dómino.
I saw the truth of my desire in
her blood red eyes, how it was colored by violence and jealousy and
possessiveness. I was that hellish fire
or a part of it at least. The best man I
can be is in truth not a good enough man, I will spend my whole life unmaking
the entitlement I was conditioned with and I will fail. All men, no matter how well-intentioned will
fail at some point and in some regard.
Quia apud Dóminum misericordia:
et copiósa apud eum redémptio.
Penitence is forever, it is the
center of it. A black hole eating up
time and space. You have to own it or
the gods will have you, better to burn than cherish your pride.
Et ipse redimet Israel, ex
ómnibus iniquitátibus ejus.
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